Thursday, May 4, 2017

Practice and Theory, Equals Science: The Science of Transgenderism and its History.

So, one of the regular things I hear from many against transgender people state is “There is no science behind it.” And X any Y Chromosomes determine the gender and you can’t change that…
Well that is in many ways both right and wrong. The science of transgenderism has been in play longer than many studies. It predates cancer studies, the polio vaccine, Radio, television and automobiles. As I covered in the chapter History of Transgender, the scientific diagnosis of the issue arose in 1869 by Karl Friedrich Otto Westphal.  While it’s been acknowledged and even treated with surgery all the way back to current studies in archaeology as back to Roman times. The fact this isn’t a quote new science and new thing like some in the media wants you to think. And don’t take my word for it a quick research in this subject brings one to the science of transgenderism in our world. It just goes selectively pick and chosen by both sides of the argument to where that science stands…. So today I will take on that challenge as always presenting both sides of the argument and showing where I stand. As always, I am not a doctor… and in this case, I do want to point out I am not a scientist. What I can do is the research and like always I will provide sources to the information I provide.

Let’s Begin with the basis of life… genetics

It’s in our Genes!

Okay so as basic biology will tell you chromosomes make up our physical gender and this is repeated in nature. X is the female gene, and Y is the male gene. Now all creations have at least one X chromosome. To sum it down these two are based on the passed down genetics one gets from their biological father and mother. The first X in the definition of gender is passed down from the mother. The second the father. This isn’t argued science… But some will stop there and say “See that defines it all! There is no such thing as transgenderism” and well they are right but also wrong. They refuse to look at the details further and understand a few things. While such genetics do often form male and female … that isn’t always the case. In fact several genetic disorders and issues arise from these two simple chromosomes.

Most Notable are Hemophilia and Color Blindness.

Color Blindness is often carried in the Mothers genes to be a genetic defect that causes the subject to not be able to process certain colors in the spectrum.

While Hemophilia is more often carried by the father gene. And often will affect men over women. This is caused by a X Linked Recessive Gene.

Why is this important for the further end….

Because there are more genetic disorders in the world of science, as one breaks down the study you come across the fact that XY or XX aren’t the only possibilities and even still they don’t always mean that XY would develop into a male physically or XX would do the same for a female. While they are the majority it’s not a constant. Which is the fault of those that use that as an argument. Because each person’s genetics are unique. There are many in the world that have three or even four genetic markers. The existence of Hemerophytes in the natural world is one such case study.

It also is ignored that in Nature not only do such cases exist outside the influence of the hand of mankind. But there even is points in nature where sex is interchangeable. Clown Fish, Wrasse, Moray Eels, Gobi are all fish species that can and do change gender when its needed to survive. But let’s look a bit closer at an animal a bit closer to us and likely something you had to eat in some manner in the past few hours…. The Chicken. Yes boys and girls the chicken can change its gender.

Chickens can sometimes undergo natural sex changes. Normally, female chickens have just one functional ovary, on their left side. Although two sex organs are present during the embryonic stages of all birds, once a chicken's female hormones come into effect, it typically develops only the left ovary. The right gonad, which has yet to be defined as an ovary, testes, or both (called an ovotestis), typically remains dormant. Certain medical conditions can cause a chicken's left ovary to regress. In the absence of a functional left ovary, the dormant right sex organ may begin to grow, if the activated right gonad is an ovotestis or testes, it will begin secreting androgens. The hen does not completely change into a rooster, however. This transition is limited to making the bird phenotypically male. The condition could also be caused by mycotoxins that can develop when animal feed is stored, and these have the same effect as synthetic hormones. In about 10 per cent of cases, if eggs fertilised with male chromosomes are cooled by a few degrees for three days after laying, the relative activity of the sex hormones will favour development of female characteristics. The sex chromosomes work by coding for enzymes that affect the bird’s development in the egg and during its life. This cooling will produce a chicken with a fully functioning and reproductively fertile female body-type; even though the chicken is genetically male. – Wikipedia article on chickens

In fact, there the more we study about the world around us the more we find how nature “will provide” its need to reproduce. So, in science and in Nature the X and Y chromosomes while they do determine sex…. Do not fully define it alone. To base it simply as the solid answer to confront transgender people about their feelings and desire to change… Then selective science is being destructive in the further of progress in scientific study.

So, if genetics don’t quite support the argument against transgenderism is there another place to focus on. Well how about the “feeling” or “desire” of the person. Was it wrong for it to be removed from mental health as a mental disorder?

It’s a Mental Disorder!

As of 2013 the definition of Transgenderism was changed from a mental disorder to an identity issue. So first of its still treated as such. But most often when I read about this they point to John Hopkins doctor, Dr. Paul R. McHugh.

As reported in these articles cover

However, that is one medical opinion… and it’s from a former doctor. If you ask John Hopkins themselves these days… They support the international findings over the former doctor and his findings.

Why this change? Because the issue is showing more and more to be not fully psychological issue. As science studies, it further and in greater detail there is truth behind what people say.

The more we look into psychological understanding of how the brain works…. Something we are still vastly far from fully understanding. So we are told by some that “Oh I should accommodate to how you feel!” in many ways yeah. Is it against the law? No. Then be respectful and treat the person as they present themselves. It’s called human decency. Something this world needs a whole lot more in this and other issues of the world.

So break it all down. Does science support Transgenderism?

Yes, between genetic issues and mental study as it is growing it does. And as Science advances transitioning will become more of a common and advanced process. With the current ability to rebuild or build new functional sexual organs. Advances in medication and nanotech. There will be a point in the future… as soon as the next decade where changing one’s gender maybe common place. And decades after that it may be so common it will be like changing cloths.
So why is it such an issue!

Because it’s a moral issue. No I don’t mean in the biblical sense but that does play into the view of some of those that don’t want to really consider the science of transgenderism.
No, it’s a psychological issue in all of us to have a like or dislike to change in our personal environment. We have advanced far in humanity… but we will always fear the change of the future. Be it for the better or worse.

It is that right to fear that change why there is a backlash against trans issues and some subjects like shown in the recent release of “The Sexual Spectrum” episode of “Bill Nye Saves The World” available on Netflix, Where it’s a crude and forceful way to push a subject on children that makes the opposing side take to arms against the science.

This is the core issue of the problem not just in Transgender studies but in all science. The fear of change and doubt of numbers. Can play in multiple ways. For both sides. Science is in itself an ever-evolving form, the belief of one thing may come in doubt over time but it’s not good to shut it down when that change comes. Current studies into Evolution and the recent debunking of the Big Bang both show examples that science sometimes while adamant of being right… maybe wrong. Because it’s a theory. It’s a belief. Not fully fact but a belief just like religion is a belief science is a belief.

It is all summed up in this quote:

Nobody in this world possesses absolute truth. This is God's attribute alone. Relative truth is all we know. Therefore, we can only follow the truth as we see it. Such pursuit of truth cannot lead anyone astray. – Gandhi

The only thing we can do for now is adapt and be decent to those around us with that change.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Living a life In the modern eye

Okay so its been a long time since I have posted a new blog post. This mostly has been due to some personal and difficult situations in life that yeah partily have had my status as a transgender person in effect of it. But mostly I wanted to let the massive Trans coverage to die down some before working on discussions in the future. But recently I have been getting emails from groups to discuss these topics as a quasi expert on the subject. So let me start by saying what I always like to say.

I am not a medical expert, I have no medical degree and the advice and discussion of any issues you have should be directly addressed with your own medical professionals.

Now lets talk about something here.

The divisiveness of the media on begin Trans.

We live these days in a world of self celebrity, self experts, and we get offended on things when one disagrees with our opinions verses theirs. This is basically why in today's world we appear to be at each others throats more then normal. Be the issues of politics, law, religion, or what one does with their own bodies.

When one puts a positive spin on a issue about a type of person... in this day and age of social media and reporting, so called experts which generally end up being people with no education or desire to seriously spend time on a subject involving this subject make their opinion known and try to shout it for their own social messaging mountain top.

Lets look at the Transgender bathroom issue as it came to be.

1. President Obama, in May 2016 signed in an executive order to force public schools to allow trans children to use the bathrooms of their chosen gender.

2. Conservative Media in turn fired back, claiming that the bill would allow men to quote "rape" our women and children by simply claiming to be trans.
[ ]

3. This action caused other things to fall in line... such as Target allowing the same as the executive order in their stores. Countless attacks on people (be they trans or not trans) from people that stand against this action. And even the next president Donald Trump (despite how those against him feel including his VP) coming out in support of the action. [ ]

Now while the question of how the action came about to law is a issue. The fact is most both for and against don't really discuss facts of the issue, but more focus on opinions and possibilities through fear.

But that is the problem, In this day and age of self celebrity and self experts, we focus more on the power of opinion and fear, then on facts involved.


Nothing really stopped trans people from using the bathroom of their chosen gender before the action was in place.


There is violence to Trans people that has risen since this bill has been in place. But this includes none trans people being falsely accused and attacked.


There are a handful of cases that yes people are trying to abuse the action to gain access to another gender for the wrong reasons.

That's the issue with any positive / progressive law such as this bathroom bill. There will always be people there to abuse such a policy.

The best example of this can be seen on Halloween when a person leaves a bowl full of candy with the sign take one! Now if the world of people where honest and actually did the right thing everyone would take one and it would be fair to all. But the world isn't fair and yes there are people out there that will take more then others.

But what people fail to understand is its a personal morality that one has to avoid. You have to make yourself the better person and when given the chance to follow the rules.... YOU DO!

Morality is not a solely religious product. You can know right from wrong personally. But there is one issue to look at. Your self judgement is not given a right to damn others.  Are there laws in which society have been built on yes. Do we sometimes need to go through those laws and change them based on the times, yes.

But there is something we need to remember in life when such laws are made or changed. People will be against a decision just as much as they are for it. What we need to do when making such laws is to have a civil and social discussion. The key word being CIVIL. With the election of Donald Trump we have seen far too many of what people call civil actions and calls of peace. From people that are doing just the opposite. They are burning cars, beating people, and destroying businesses because they are for or against Trump and his views. This is the furthest from civility, its anarchy! You cant demand peace and love as you beat a man in the streets for whom you disagree (more so when you are doing it by pure assumption)   Its not civility its Assault! Its vandalism, its destruction of property These are violations of the law and not only does't help win people over to your issue. It makes you seem no better then a spoiled child throwing a fit over not having things their way.

Want your message heard. Then speak it. Protest peacefully, but don't cause your protest to hurt or disrupt the lives of others. When you disrupt people you think your getting your voice heard, but all you really do is piss off others with your actions. Do things in your personal life to change the view of others. Be the better person. Dont demand it of others. You have to be.

To be civil is the best way to get what you want in life. As the old saying goes, give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a life time. Such a action is how you succeed in life by teaching your view and finding ways to win over people with your actions that help them in kind. You change their minds by showing people who you are as a different person. You do this following the laws.

Again I return to the point I made comparing the civil rights movement how to win hearts and change minds people preferred the actions and words of Martian Luther King vs the words and actions of Malcolm X. Because he was civil and made sure his protests where peaceful and changed minds with such actions and words. vs X's actions and words of divisiveness and violence to get his way.

When we have such laws, as the bathroom law, we need to be peaceful as those against us get violent. Let them be shown for their ways. Win hearts be positive call out those that do abuse the law, But be respectful and to those that stand against it. Make your voice be herd but don't silence the voice of opposition, because freedom of speech protects the speech we disagree with. (It wouldn't be needed to protect speech we agree with).

Are there voices we disagree with in the world.... Yes.

Are there issues we will disagree on ... Yes

Do we have a right to stand on our social mountain and speak our mind.... Yes

Do we have a right to demand others listen and follow our opinions in life.... No

Do we have a right to fight, attack, beat, destroy property of those we disagree with .... No

Do we have a right to disagree on the laws and actions of those in power .... yes

How do we change things if we do.... Speak your mind and get out and Vote to change things.

This is what it means to be civil in this world. I would wish people took the time to stop and give the news time to settle in the world, spend time researching something before blowing up about it. But sadly humanity is an impatient beast. We must teach our self to have restraint and research the actions of others, before we do something rash with our own actions that we may eventually greatly regret.

Thank you for reading the post and may your heart find peace, love, and your mind be civil to control the passions that come from your heart.

Till then I will keep walking this path in life.