Ask most people that know what it means to be transgender
(small number sadly) when the first cases appeared most will answer 1952 with
Christen Jorgenson!
(even GLADD puts it
this way and they are wrong)
And they would greatly be Wrong. Heck not even close to the
date and the first cases. So this month’s issue on hand I will be discussing
several of the lost moments in history and even introduce you to a subject that
had been part of the world since the invention of writing.
When we look at this issue I do want to state one thing
while some on this list will be simply transvestites (otherwise known as cross dressers)
Others are in fact Trangender we know this by not only how they acted but thru their
actions in history. This is a new subject for this blog even though I had been
studying this for well 3 three years now I may still be a bit off on my
research but please bear with me on this one.
The first recorded Trans person!
Hatshepsut The
female emperor of Egypt - 1479 -1458 BC
Okay one may state I am stretching on this but not really it
is down to the wording that Hatshepsut refused the title of Empress for the
term Emperor instead. Upon her accenting to the royal throne she dawn a false
beard and male clothing. Her reign is mostly wiped from history because her son
ordered the destruction of her image when he rose to power. Despite the fact
that she was in many ways the only pharaoh to accomplish and see thru her
projects in her lifetime as ruler. It’s not fully known on how she was treated
in court but for a woman to even seat on the royal throne at these times was
unheard of and she stands as one of Egypt’s strongest rulers.
The Man-woman of Emperor of Rome
Emperor Elgabalus - 203 – 222 AD
I use the term Man-woman as it’s a medical term that Romans
first discovered some point between the 6th and 1st
century BC, and several years after they found the basis of trans-genderism in their
medical studies a transgender emperor rose to power. Now Elgabalus was not a
great emperor, just the opposite in fact many place him in second worst behind
Caligula. And the fact that the only really thing of note about him was the way
he presented himself in female clothing and acting female in many cases committing
perverted acts and prostitution, he even offered a reward for the doctor
willing to perform early days sex change surgery at a time when the first plastic
surgeries where a death sentence for those that underwent them from the
diseases and complications that the surgery would cause. The reward was never
claimed. It is important to note that the court was use to Eldabalus actions
after Nero took a Eunuch named Sporus as a wife and was displayed in the royal
garb of an empress in 60 AD.
The Big Apple’s Big Secret, That No one Wanted
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This is said to be a picture of him but is likely his wife |
Edward Hyde - 1661 – 1723
In many ways Edward was the worst Governor ever placed in
office while England ruled over the colonies. A lord through birthright Edward,
was not well liked and massively corrupt but still he sat in as one of New York and New
Jersey’s first governor s. Robbing the
colonies treasury and harassing the public as he dawned woman’s clothing and
acted as an outright public menace. He was removed from office after creating
so much a stink with the public that the revolution may have occurred years
earlier if he hadn’t been removed.
The First to stand up
as Trans
Charlotte Clark - 1755
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She is the one in Pink |
The first recorded Transgender and lesbian person as when
the book “A Narrative of the life of Mrs. Charlotte Clark” An autobiography
told the story of the cross dressing actress during a time that even the
concept of women being on stage was unheard of. She spoke of her relationship
with a woman only known as Ms. Brown and sadly while the publication brought
her fame in her lifetime she died penniless and destitute. Sadly not much is
known of this early figure in history and even rarer is it likely to find a
copy of her autobiography but luckily we now have the internet and Wikipedia
has a nice entry on her life and writings
World’s Greatest Spy
D’eon De Beaumont - 1777
Now we really have a pivotal figure that far too often is
ignored in history. Now I could have placed the first strong case as Joan of
Arc she wasn’t hiding her gender for anything more then to join the battle.
Instead we have someone living both genders and even persecuted for it. D’eon is known as one of the greatest spies
not just in his time but ever. Here is a list of just some of his known accomplishments
covers and encounters.
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even in that dress D'eon could kick major butt |
Skilled Dragoon of French royal court (Royal knight)
Lady in waiting to Catharine the Great (Yes the Russian queen
famous for rumors her equestrian encounters)
Friend of Queen Charlotte (wife of George the 3rd
aka Mad King George)
One of the greatest swords man in France at the time
Rumored friend/chess player and supporter of Benjamin
D’eon in his efforts as a spy used a genetic disorder
(Klinefelter’s Syndrome) to his advantage and dawn the disguise as Lady Lea De
Beaumont. Despite the skill and continued loyalty to the crown King Louis the
16th upon gaining the throne from his father Louis the 15th,
forced D’eon to dress and act as a lady in court because of the treatment of
ladies versus lords when it came time for the American revolution D’eon wanted
to go forth and honor France and fight on the side of the Americans only the
King felt it was an insult to have a woman represent France and had D’eon exiled
to of all places England for even daring to help. D’eon spent his last days in
England as an ambassador and friend of the royal court.
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Despite the added zombies it is an awesome anime and one of my favorites of all time its both very artistic and intense drama. Check it out its on Netflix or buy the series now from Funimation |
Now it is important to note not all history has washed D’eon
away as in 2006 a manga and anime series was made loosely based on his life
(very loosely but it’s really good as a supernatural horror)
And then there was the word
Karl Friedrich Otto Westphal
- 1869
The term Transexualism is officially
coined by Karl in his medical paper where he simply diagnosed the symptoms of
men wanting to be women; it is his paper that would be the earliest medical
study on the issue. More words would come such as 1910 Marcus Hirschfield
coining the term “Transvestite” while he and Harry Benjamin where researching
since 1907. The first use of the word “Faggot” appearing in a Portland Oregon
dictionary in 1914 putting all LBGT issues under its terminology
Doctor of Sex
Marcus Hirschfeild - 1919
After almost
20 years of his course of study the subject Marcus opened the Institute for
Sexology, in Berlin. In it he worked to study transsexuals in particular to
further his research. In one case of study a successful transplant of sexual
organs occurred (yeah I bet you think it never could happen) sadly while the
surgery was considered a success the patient died of internal bleeding the day
after, the process to medical knowledge has never been tried again. The first
successful surgeries afterwards as we now know them started the next year.
gets twisted
Woolf Writes “Orlando” - 1928
Famed female writer tells her tale of a man that refuses to
grow old and one day awakens to having changed genders then goes on living as a
woman. Keep in mind this was written at the High point of Victorian living
where the idea of any sexual behavior is considered wrong and yet here was a
book purposing the twisted concepts of sexual escapades of both man in woman in
one character.
First Child Treatment
Harry Benjamin -1948
Harry who co-founded of the study of Transexualism was
introduced to a young boy that wanted to transition. The practice up until then
had been strictly done with adults but after study of the boy Harry started the
treatments on the boy in San Francisco (4 years before Christen Jorgenson
became the face of transsexuals) This caused Benjamin to open the first clinic
for Transgender patients in the US.
Give Him Meat and two Veg
Matt Dillon – 1949
The first recorded Female to Male transition occurs,
transitioning Matt in London England. It took him 13 surgeries to get the
completion he so wanted to live out his time as a man.
A Star Rises
Christen Jorgenson -1952
While the practice was becoming a common thing for treatment
up until Christen it hasn’t really been a public issue. When the New York Daily
News made world news with the transition of the former soldier and photographer
showed the world sometime that sexy blond bomb shell may have been playing on a
different team in childhood. While this Wikipedia
article is somewhat good about the story I strongly suggest a surprising film
of its time The Christen Jorgenson Story 1970.
The Worst Director, Shows the world
Ed Wood Jr., releases Glen or Glenda - 1953
Sadly despite being labeled the worst director of all time
this really is a good film and very sincere all be it still with its issues as
Ed Wood tried to give a face on the issue that he himself was dealing with. Given
the later Tim Burton film on Ed Wood would ignore Glen or Glenda but still
touched on Ed’s love for dressing. Ed Wood never stated on if it was inspired
by Christen Jorgenson or not but it’s believed it was his reasoning for making
the film. Much of Ed’s usual actors where in this film including Horror Film
Legend Bella Lugosi giving an odd moment in the film where he makes the whole
process seem dark.
Watch the whole film on Youtube
The Rocket is complete
Dr. Judy T Wu – 1958
Dr Wu creates the first complete Phalloplasty surgery
changing the way the surgery for FtM patients were going through. Oddly
enough I really want to emphases the location this occurred was Bratsk, Russia.
Yeah the same place that lately has gone anti LGBT severally is the home of one
of the modern procedures in transgender surgery. It was Wu that devised a way
for the new member to stand erect as well.
I could go on from here but then the History from 1960 to
modern times is well covered and described in many other sources including
GLADD and other places. I do want to note though a few rumors and issues not confined
to History
To defend and Honor (All Known Wars before 1950’s)
While there are many cases including my choice to ignore
Joan of Arc, we should not ignore the fact that many women served in wars worldwide
even to the point of arrest, execution (in Joan’s Case) and exile should they
be found out. They would dawn disguises
and false names till they were found out in battle, such figures like Deborah
Sampson in the Revolution or Sarah Rosetta Wakeman/ Private Lyons Wakeman. They were the first women to serve this nation
with honors and integrity yet far too often are ignored by history books. While
most did it for the cause, others saw it as a chance of equal rights and a few
cases it is assumed that they may have seen themselves as men. It is not
recorded how many women dawned pants and fought in war some may never have even
gone noticed at all, but all are due their respect for their role in history.
Outlaw is Out the closet?
One of the strangest rumors out there is that Billy the Kid
(Yes the Billy the Kid) was in fact transgender. In fact there is claimed a
rumored image of Billy in drag. Sadly the only real reference to this was an
episode of Discovery’s Wild West Tech. It is believe to be nothing more than an
attempt to drum up interest in the show.
FBI goes deep under cover?
The Infamous case of J Edgar Hoover is… well completely made
up. The issue that Hoover wore women’s clothing and was gay was a rumor started
by criminals and the mob in an effort to get Hoover ousted from office. Why?
Well how about the fact that the director was biting down hard on the criminal
activities of the group. Thus the rumor mill was spilled that J Edgar wore Mrs.
Hooves Finest.
Okay this is the last historical issue I will bring up in
this post. The moment Gay rights became an issue was Stonewall riots. And the
spark that lit that fuse was the arrest of transgender individuals. Every point
of the GLBT civil rights began with transgender people and I bring this up as
it’s become somewhat an ignored issue of the last few years that the GLB have
gained rights that the T still face prosecution about things like finding work
and places to live still are issues for the trans community that the LGB end
rarely if ever face. In many ways I see it as a disgrace to have the LGB
culture to run to the front of the line and step over the equal rights of the people
that helped give them a voice in gaining their own rights. But then we are
starting to see a change in these rules and laws as we grow and soon I truly
hope that we can say Justice is blind and
ALL are treated equally.
Additional Supporting links on this subject
Thank you for sitting down to this massive chunk of trans
history. If I missed something or you want to share something then leave a
comment, if you don’t feel like making it public email me at This
is intended as a public discussion not just a blog. I would like to thank all
that have sent me messages of support for both your families and myself in this
discussion. I am sorry I try to respond to all but sometimes I just feel there
is little more I can add to your heart felt letters then a loving Thank you.
Next Month’s Subject:
Who will Stand Above!
We look at Trans
voices and see if we can find strong voices as well as discuss issues about
civil rights and discrimination (using both sides of the arguments) expect it
to get heated on this one.
Suggested Homework:
Okay I didn’t do this the first time on the new blog or in
the special after but the original path offered tasks and projects people can
do with each lesson so I am going to try to have such tasks again from now on. I
will go into more when I get to truly discussing the process of transitioning
but for now here is this month’s discussions homework.
Read History books and go to history museums- Yeah I am
copping out but seriously when we have a recent study say 1 in 4 Americans
think the sun revolves around the earth this is an important homework, the
subject doesn’t have to be about trans characters but it can be. There are many
I know I left out of discussion for frankly space. I personally live in a part
of the US where you can’t spit and not hit some place of historic importance of
this county (I live in Richmond VA USA) Learn your own history of your family
or just catch up on historical people who changed the world
Trans in the News Issue:
Facebook adds new classification of genders for members to
choose from.
Now damned if you do damned if you don’t, it’s a mixed bag.
I know many trans people that aren’t changing their status for the fear of repercussions
of labeling themselves on Facebook. Me personally I don’t care. I changed my
status last week from female (what I had it as before) to Trans female. I do
not fear the world being open about myself and even apply as such and am open
about it when I talk with others. It’s all about personal choice but just to be
fair about the issue here is an article about a comedians report on the matter.
(And for those that take Colbert as a reporter I feel sorry for you. He is a
comedian not a reporter. Don’t ever take him or John Stewart as actual news
authorities on any subject they are there to make you laugh at subjects don’t take
them seriously ever.)
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